About Me

Low Yong Cheng

Hi! My name is Yong Cheng, you can call me Yong, Low, YC as well if that is easier for you. If you want to find out more about my professional career such as my education or job experiences, please visit my LinkedIn page. However, if you are here to find out more about me, you have come to the right place.

I grew up with a very unique childhood as I studied in different international schools in Suzhou, Shanghai and Hong Kong. This gave me the opportunity to interact with different students and teachers from all around the world.

My earliest influence of education is in Singapore, Mayflower Primary School. Every student who have studied in the school was drilled with the motto, “Service before Self”. This lead me to believe that the priority of others should always be placed above yourself.

Halfway through Primary 3, my family moved to Shanghai and I studied at Shanghai Community International Schooland Dulwich College Shanghai. I really enjoyed my time there playing Badminton and Basketball. I especially the cross border tournaments such as ACAMIS where we get to travel to other cities to compete. One thing that really stuck with me was Dulwich's motto “Detur Pons Mundo” which meant “building bridges to the world”. It taught me how vast the world is, and the importance of understanding, learning and making friends with the International Community. Studying in a multi-cultural school really taught me about embracing and accepting other people's cultures.

2010 was one of the highest and lowest point in my life. Although I did well in my IGCSE's, I had to change schools due to my parent's job. I applied to various high schools and set for their entrance exam in Shanghai. To my surprise, I failed all of them, some even told me that from their assessment, I won't be able to go to University. I was lucky enough that my parent's decide to change companies and relocate to Hong Kong. There, I was accepted into Sha Tin College who gave me the opportunity to take the IB diploma programme .

After taking IB, I had to do what every Singaporean son does which is to return back to Singapore and serve my country. Because my family was still overseas, I had to return to Singapore alone and that was the start of my Independence. I really thank those who helped me survive my pre-university journey, and the SAF for allowing me to stay in Pulau Tekong for my entire BMT. I was one of the “lucky” ones to be post to Guards unit which taught me the concept of being Always Ready, Ready to Strike. The hardship and experience that I learned through National Service made me tougher and I would like to thank the SAF for giving me that unique exposure.

After my National Service, I was lucky enough to prove my haters wrong and secure a spot at NUS to major in Computer Engineering . I chose to study it because of my pre-SAF internship at CMR Far East where I used VBA to try to generate a material list base on the switchboard specifications. I spent most of my University life taking up leadership roles in NUS Students' Computing Club and NUS Students' Sports Club . I would have to admit that my time there did cost some of my grades, but it really taught me the perspective to working together in an organization. Till this day I have never regretted my decision of joining the club and met tons pf amazing people there. Looking back, I am still awestruck by what we have achieved together with the limited resources provided.

After University, I started out my career in NCS which built my foundation in web development. However, after 1.5 years, I decided that the corporate life isn't really for me. I decided to make a switch to join Glints , a young Human Resource company which focuses on employee growth, and have a strong company culture and values.

Apart from my day job, also I wanted to do something different. I was lucky enough to be given the opportunity to teach part time at a Coding Bootcamp call Le Wagon . We teach full stack development using Ruby on Rails and focus on helping people transition or learn more about web development. As you can see, I am quite a busy person, hence I apologies if you write to me and I am slow in my replies.

In order to document my web development journey, my learnings and explorations, I have decided to create and deploy my own website. I hope you will enjoy and learn from my content. Feel free to reach out to me and share your opinions! Thank you for reading till the end! Hope you have a great day ahead!